Continuation of the Drupal modules for E-commerce benefits the management of various aspects for your website. Here is a list of the top 9 (broken into parts) modules you need to install
5. Commerce Checkout Order Fields
Commerce Checkout Order Fields exposes order form display modes as checkout panes, allowing you to collect additional order data during checkout. This e-commerce Drupal 9 module provides a new checkout form view mode on orders so that at least one checkout pane is available. Customizing the form display mode will expose those fields at checkout. You can collect data like order comments, shipping notes, and more.
6. Commerce Cart Redirection
The Commerce Cart Redirect module redirects users to checkout, cart, or an arbitrary location immediately after adding a product to their cart. This action is filterable by product variation type. With this e-commerce module, you can select to remove all items currently in the cart when a new product is added. This option does not limit the quantity of the new item in the cart. It removes all items from the cart and then adds the product variation and quantity of the item in the current add-to-cart request.
7. Commerce Exchanger
Commerce Exchanger module is a currency exchange rates module for Drupal Commerce 2. It is built as a Drupal Commerce plugin-based module for handling external providers and supporting cross-conversion between non-default currencies. This e-commerce module allows manual overriding data per currency, separating Drupal config files for provider setup and imported exchange rates and integration with Commerce Currency Resolver and Commerce Funds. The Currency exchange rate providers for this Drupal 9 module are TransferWise, Fixer, Currencylayer, European Central Bank, Manual plugin - no external provider and many more contributed as separate modules.
8. IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country
This e-commerce module uses a visitor's IP address to identify the user's geographical location (Country). The IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country module makes this determination and stores the result as an ISO 3166 2-character country code in the Drupal $user object. Otherwise, it does not affect the operation of your site. A function is provided for you to perform your lookup and use in your own manner. Features include automatic updates of the IP-country database and admin spoofing of an arbitrary IP or Country for testing purposes.
The database used to make the association between IP address and Country is hosted and maintained by ARIN, the American Registry for Internet Numbers. ARIN is one of the five official Regional Internet Registries (RIR) responsible for assigning IP addresses. If you wish to change it, you can select any of the five registries to use through the menu.
9. Commerce Variation Cart Form
This e-commerce module provides an add-to-cart form for individual Commerce Product Variation entities. The form is added to the Product Variation "manage display" tab as a field and uses the standard Commerce add-to-cart form functionality. Form elements may be configured via a form display mode, "Variation Cart Form," on the Commerce Order Item Type "manage form display" tab - similar to the configuration for the standard Commerce Product add-to-cart form. The Commerce Variation Cart Form requires Commerce Product, Commerce Order, and Commerce Cart modules.