It's been over 10 years since Drupal 7 hit the web, being used by everything from universities to government agencies. And while many users have already moved on to Drupal 9, there are still a large number of people still using Drupal 7.
For this reason the Drupal association has announced that they are going to annually reevaluate the end date of Drupal 7, so far they have decided to set the end date until November 1, 2023. In July 2023 they will review how the use of Drupal 7 is and depending How many users it still has will determine whether the end of Drupal 7 will come in November of next year, or will extend its life for another year.
(Information obtained from Drupal: https://www.drupal.org/psa-2022-02-23 )
On the other hand, Drupal 10 already has a release date and will arrive in August 2022. This edition will be a refined version of Drupal 9. The tools and processes to prepare for this version will be the same as the previous ones.
Key points of Drupal 10:
- Clear Administration Theme (replacing Seven)
- Default theme Olivero (replacing Bartik)
- Layout Builder and Media functionality will be further improved.
- Better developer and site builder experiences especially for menu and URL management.
- Introducing CKEditor 5 with better authoring experience and more modern editing (replacing CKEditor4)
- Modern JavaScript components to replace some Jquery usages.
- Starter Kit tools for creating custom themes.
- Implementation of Symfony 6 (replacing Symfony 4) and PHP 8.1 required to keep the system secure.
To learn how to prepare to upgrade from previous versions (Drupal 7, 8, and 9), visit the official Drupal Association announcement.
(Information obtained from Drupal: https://www.drupal.org/about/10 )