The Lando project is an initiative that helps to optimize the time of setting up a local environment when we are going to start a project or when we are going to link to an existing one. We wanted to make a series of videos where we tell you how to install it and how to make use of its most common functionalities.
01 - Lando: Introduction.
With this episode we start getting to know Lando, a tool that makes use of Docker containers to deploy local development environments in a matter of minutes and with great versatility.
02 - Lando: Installing Docker in Ubuntu.
Lando requires Docker to work, specifically requires the Community Edition version, so we will show the procedure to do it from the official Docker page.
03 - Lando: Installing in Ubuntu.
Now we have everything ready to install Lando, we will see how easy it is, in this case in Ubuntu Linux.
04 - Lando: Deploying a standard Drupal
We will see an easy way to deploy a Drupal installation using Lando, we will download the code and start a project in Lando to finally install a Drupal 9.
05 - Lando: How to shut down the project and the tool
Shutting down the containers once we have finished is a good practice to avoid consuming unnecessary resources on our machine. We will take a brief tour of the Lando commands and apply a couple of them to shut it down.
06 - Lando: Installing Drupal with Composer
We already saw how to install Drupal using Lando as a code download tool, now we will see how we can use one of the Drupal templates to have it installed inside an internal folder called "web".
07 - Lando: Deploying an existing project.
In most cases, the common thing is that the environment we need to deploy is from a project that is already under development and it is up to us to deploy it in our local environment, so in this episode we will show you how it is done.
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