It is time to prepare for the launch of Drupal 10, since the scheduled date is two months from now in December. The Drupal 10 page on Drupal.org contains all the information you'll need to ensure you have a smooth upgrade to Drupal 10. Visit the page to get familiar with the new features, including:
- Olivero's default theme (replacing Bartik)
- Claro admin theme (replacing Seven)
- Introducing CKEditor 5 with a better, more modern authoring and editing experience (replacing CKEditor 4)
- Modern JavaScript Components to Replace Some jQuery Uses
- Several infrequently used modules have been moved to contributed projects for a more efficient core
- Under the hood: Symfony 6 (replacing Symfony 4) and PHP 8.1 are required
How to prepare for Drupal 10
- Starting with Drupal 7: Drupal 7 will end of life in November 2023. Yes, this is after the planned release of Drupal 10. While Drupal 10 will include Drupal 7 migration tools, the contributed projects you use are much more likely to be available for Drupal 9 already, and may not be ready shortly after the release of Drupal 10. Therefore, you should not wait to migrate to Drupal 10 directly, but rather start upgrading to Drupal 9 soon. The move to Drupal 10 will be much easier starting with Drupal 9.
- Since Drupal 8: Drupal 8 reached end of life in November 2021 You must upgrade to Drupal 9 first to upgrade to Drupal 10 later. Use Update Status to analyze your site. There are almost 9 thousand contributed projects ready for Drupal 9. Most code updates can be done automatically using Drupal-rector. Use it for your custom code too.
- From Drupal 9: If you are on Drupal 9, use Update Status on your Drupal 9 site to get an estimate of the work needed. The plan provided by the module will tell you where to use Drupal-rector to update your own custom code and where to help contributed projects update their code.
Créditos: Drupal Association team